Delaware government is stupidly mandating electric catch-on-fire vehicles and off-shore wind turbines that will actually increase the cost of electricity, expanding government aid services with 1/3 of our Delaware population already on Medicaid. Our education metrics are at the bottom 5% in the nation despite one of the highest spending rates per student, our state budget is increasing yet revenue is decreasing, and crime is up. Is it time to leave Delaware?? And if so, where is better?
Some of us were born here, some of us raised here. Many of us chose to move here from other places where the quality of life truly was bad and getting worse and many, I hear, contemplate moving out of Delaware to move to greener/warmer pastures, such as the Carolinas, Florida, or even Mexico. But is Delaware that bad?
Although I already have a practice in Delaware and am not contemplating relocating, an article in one of my medical journals on the worst places to practice medicine piqued my interest, "The 11 worst states to practice for quality of life" Physician Practice, October 2023. I thought, dare I read this article, just to become further discouraged and dismayed to see lil' ole' Delaware listed in this less than illustrious pack? I think I'd rather just not know. But click bait it was, and I took the bait.
#50 Kentucky
#49 New Jersey
#48 Mississippi
#47 Oklahoma
#46 New York
#45 Louisiana
#44 Illinois
#43 Washington State
#42 Maryland
#41 Arkansas
#40 Rhode Island
WHEW! Delaware was not on the list!!! Now, that made me feel better. But still, if things get worse here, where are we looking to move to make our last stand together? Well, Delaware is home for me, and I won't be leaving, but I was curious. So which States are the top for quality of life? Here they are in order:
#1 Virginia
#2 Florida
#3 Colorado
#4 Wyoming
#5 DELAWARE :)))
#6 New Hampshire
#7 South Dakota
#8 Minnesota
#9 Idaho
#10 North Dakota
Well only you can decide if our little State is right for you, and it's home for me, so regardless of what this article was going to tell me, I already knew it would change nothing for me. I'm home. And home is worth fighting for.
Michelle Parsons, M.D.
President, 38th District Republican Club, PAC
Is DE your home and worth fighting for?
I'm making my stand and fighting for what's RIGHT in DE!
I'm planning my exit now and moving as soon as I can!
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38th DRCP
PO Box 184
Frankford, DE 19945
We meet the fourth Monday of the month, excluding holidays. For questions please
Upcoming 2023 Meetings:
October 23rd - Club Meeting, Roxana Fire Hall - Election Integrity
November 27th - Club Meeting, Roxana Fire Hall
December - Christmas Cocktail Party and Wine Tasting Event
January - Joint Dinner Meeting with the 41st District Republican Club
We welcome your support as we support conservative values and responsible government.