OK, this was waaaay too easy, but it worked out! Marissa is due to have her baby, on Election Day, so we helped her to request an absentee ballot this morning, and she just submitted her actual ballot and cast her vote, all before noon!!!!
We went to the Department of Elections website and printed the Request for an Absentee Ballot form. Here is the link we went to: https://elections.delaware.gov/pubs/pdfs/absentee_ballot_application.pdf .
On the form, Marissa filled out her name, political party, phone number, address, and birthdate. Social security number and email address are optional.
There are 5 reasons to select a reason for requesting an absentee ballot, they are:
I am in public service of the US or the State of Delaware, or I am a citizen of the US temporarily residing outside the territorial limits of the US and the District of Columbia, or such person's spouse or dependent when residing with or accompanying such person, or absent from this State because of illness or inury while serving the armed forces of the US.
I am in the armed forces of the US or the merchant marine of the US, or attached to and serving with the armed forces of the US in the American Red Cross or United Service Organization.
Due to the nature of my business or occupation. This reason includes:
the business or occupation of providing care to my parent, spouse, or child who is living at home and requires constant care due to illness, disability, or injury;
students; and
otherwise eligible persons who are incarcerated.
4. I am sick or physically disabled (temporarily or permanently).
5. I am absent from the district while on vacation.
6. I am unable to vote at a certain time or on a certain day due to the tenets or teachings of my religion
7. I am otherwise authorized pursuant to the Federal Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act to vote by absentee ballot.
8. I am otherwise authorized by federal law to vote by absentee ballot.

Marissa chose option 4, which then allowed her to request her ballot be sent by Mail, Fax or Email. Marissa does not recommend choosing email, as a secure email must then be created, though the ballot will still be emailed to the email address your provided. She chose fax. We faxed the Request Absentee Ballot form at 10am and 23 minutes later Marissa received her ballot by Email; she clicked her candidate choices, and faxed the ballot back to Department of Elections. 30 minute process from start to finish, done, voted!

I realize most people will not have ready access to a fax machine. If you would like help faxing a Request for an Absentee Ballot form, please let me know and we can assist. Otherwise you can take a photo of the Request for an Absentee Ballot form and email the form to absenteesc@delaware.gov . You will receive your ballot by email or mail.
So please continue to GET OUT THE VOTE. You can print up these Request for an Absentee Ballot forms and provide to voters who cannot come out to vote. They can mail, fax or email back to the Department of Elections and receive their Ballot by mail, fax or email. It is really that easy!!
Do you live in the 38th District in Sussex County Delaware and are a Republican or thinking about becoming a Republican? Come to our next meeting! Our next meeting will be held on Monday, October 24th 630pm at the Bethany South Coastal Library, 43 Kent Avenue, Bethany Beach. Our club is open to new members who support Republican ideals.

Join 38th District Republican Club, Political Action Club
We meet monthly for meetings or events, please email for location
Email: info@38thdrcp.co
We welcome your support as we support conservative values and responsible government.
To Donate Make check payable to:
38th DRCP
PO Box 1371
Bethany Beach, DE 19970