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38th Republican Ugly Christmas Sweater Party Winners!

Updated: Dec 23, 2022

Thank you Mighty 38th DRCP members who came out to support our Club with your donations and participation in our Ugly Christmas Sweater Party and fundraiser. We enjoyed the fun, fellowship, food and laughs! We had a clear and unanimous winner for our Ugliest Ugly Christmas Sweater, see if you can tell why! And our MOST festive Ugly Christmas Sweater. Congratulations Betty and Rita!

Everyone have a blessed and wonderful Christmas, and Happy New Year to all!

Your dedicated 38th District Republican Club, PAC Executive Board,

Michelle, Tom and Jim

Merry Christmas Might 38th District Republican Club!!

Do you live in Sussex County Delaware and are a Republican or thinking about becoming a Republican? Come to our next meeting! Our next meeting will be held on Monday, January 23rd 630pm at the Bethany South Coastal Library, 43 Kent Avenue, Bethany Beach. Our club is open to new members who support Republican ideals.

Join 38th District Republican Club, Political Action Club

We meet monthly for meetings or events, please email for location


We welcome your support as we support conservative values and responsible government.

To Donate Make check payable to:

38th DRCP

PO Box 1371

Bethany Beach, DE 19970

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