Our next meeting of the 38th District Republican Club, PAC will be held on Monday April 24th, 6:00 p.m. meet and greet, and prompt start at 6:30 p.m., at the South Coastal Library, Bethany Beach.
Our guest speaker will be Julianne Murray, Esq. former Gubernatorial candidate, and Delaware constitutional lawyer, who will be speaking on home title theft protection in Delaware and other home related legal matters. Please send your questions for Julianne Murray in now, email info@38thdrcp.com . Julianne is also a candidate for state republican party Chair.
I. Call to order 6:30pm
II. Prayer
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. President’s Welcome
I. New Business
A. Vice President’s Report
Featured Business - MaGee Farms, Selbyville
B. Treasurer’s Report
C. Secretary Report
VI. President's Report
A. RDC position open and EDC positions
A. EV "Elite" Vehicle Mandate Rally info Reserve a spot
C. Car pooling to Convention Friday April 28th and Sat. April 29th, email to carpool, info@38thdrcp.com
D. Mike Bellerose, School Board Candidate
VII. Guest Speaker - Julianne Murray, Home Title Theft Protection
VIII. State Elected Officials Reports
A. Senator Gerald Hocker
B. Rep. Ron Gray
C. County Councilman Doug Hudson
X. Member's Mic
XI. Upcoming Events
A. EV Rally Wednesday April 26th, 5pm Dover
B. DE GOP Convention April 28-29
C. Joint 38th/41st Meeting, Monday, May 1, 630pm, Indian River Senior Center
D. Sussex GOP Meeting, Monday May 8th, 38th RDC Election
D. Back the Blue Car Caravan Thursday, May 11, 10am-12pm
XII. Adjournment 8p.m.
April 38th District Republican Club, PAC posts you may have missed:
Dr. Legates Lies on Climate Change ***************************************************************************************
For the latest information in Sussex and Kent Counties and the Delaware political scene tune in to WGMD 92.7 and 98.5 daily!
Do you live in Sussex County Delaware and are a Republican or thinking about becoming a Republican? Come to our next meeting! Our next meeting will be held on Monday, February 27th 630pm at the South Coastal Library, Bethany Beach. Our club is open to new members who support Republican ideals.
Join 38th District Republican Club, Political Action Club
We meet monthly for meetings or events, please email for location
Email: info@38thdrcp.co
Upcoming 2023 Meetings:
April 24th, 6:30 p.m. Home Title Theft Protection - Julianne Murray, Former Candidate for Governor
April 28th -29th DE GOP Convention
The joint 38th/41st meeting Monday, May 1 at 6:30 pm at the Indian River Senior Center, 214 Irons Ave., Millsboro
The Back The Blue Caravan is scheduled for Thursday, May 11th
May 22nd, 6:30 p.m. Wills - Greg Fuller, Registrar of Wills, Sussex
We welcome your support as we support conservative values and responsible government.
To Donate Make check payable to:
38th DRCP
PO Box 1371
Bethany Beach, DE 19970