We had an outstanding meeting with Delaware GOP Chair Jane Brady who gave us the latest update on the lawsuits involving the Department of elections and mail-in-voting, same day registration and early voting. We applaud and thank Jane Brady and Julianne Murray for filing these lawsuits and representing We The People against Delaware constitutional infringements. Jane also stressed that if we can Get Out the Vote and if 100% of republicans came out to vote, we could win EVERY SINGLE election! But this only works if we all pitch in and try the best we can, how we can. Therefore, the next few weeks leading up to November 8 club news will be all about the election!

I strongly recommend that you consider requesting an absentee ballot (NOT a mail-in-ballot). You can request either an absentee ballot OR a mail-in ballot, but since the mail-in ballots are being contested, there is a chance that mail-in ballots will not allowed for the general election. If you think there is a CHANCE that you may be out of town the day of the general election on November 8, 2002, then please request an absentee ballot. EVERY single vote counts and we want YOUR vote to count for sure! Believe me, the democrats are all about mail in voting, as was shown in the 2020 election, and we cannot allow them to blow us out of the water again with their massive mail-in votes. If you have a grandchild that is due around November, request an absentee ballot; or you have upcoming surgery and you might be recovering on November 8, request an absentee ballot; or you MIGHT take a last minute vacation on November 8th, then please request an absentee ballot online https://ivote.de.gov/VoterView .

The deadline for the Department of Elections to mail out an absentee ballot is the Friday before the election, 11/4/2022 at 4:30 pm. However, if you wait that long to request your absentee ballot, it would be difficult for you to receive your absentee ballot and be able to mail it back to the Department of Elections before November 8th in time. So, if you are going to vote by absentee ballot, then request your ballot by mail ASAP.

There is no deadline to return your absentee ballot by mail, however the ballot needs to be delivered to the Dept. of Election before 8:00pm on Election Day. Therefore, I would recommend dropping it off in person to the Department of Elections in Georgetown, if you are within a week timeframe of the election.
The deadline for the Dept. of Elections to issue an absentee ballot is the day before the election at 12:00 noon. In this case, you would not mail your absentee ballot, you would drop it off at the Dept. of Elections in Georgetown. You can drop your absentee ballot off in person until 8:00 pm on the day of the election and it will be counted, 119 N Race St, Georgetown.
Do you have a friend or neighbor who will need an absentee ballot? Have them request one here https://ivote.de.gov/VoterView Voting is how we will get our candidates elected! See SUSSEX COUNTY SAMPLE BALLOT . You can contact the Sussex County Department of Elections at 302-856-5367, email votesc@delaware.gov for additional information.
Request an absentee ballot online https://ivote.de.gov/VoterView or
Download an absentee ballot request here: https://elections.delaware.gov/pubs/pdfs/absentee_ballot_application.pdf

There will also be early voting for the general election. Yes, there is a current lawsuit against early voting due to the democrat legislature not following the constitutional process, however the case will not be heard until AFTER the general election. Therefore, please also consider taking advantage of early voting. Early voting for our area will again be located at the Millville Community Center, 32517 Dukes Drive, Millville. Here are the dates for early voting for the general election: (tell your neighbors and friends!).
Fri, Oct 28, 2022 11AM - 7PM
Sat, Oct 29, 2022 11AM - 7PM
Sun, Oct 30, 2022 11AM - 7PM
Mon, Oct 31, 2022 11AM - 7PM
Tue, Nov 1, 2022 11AM - 7PM
Wed, Nov 2, 2022 7AM - 7PM
Thu, Nov 3, 2022 7AM - 7PM
Fri, Nov 4, 2022 7AM - 7PM
Sat, Nov 5, 2022 7AM - 7PM
Sun, Nov 6, 2022 7AM - 7PM

Please choose an afternoon to walk about your neighborhood and speak to republican and independent voters about the candidates and coming out to vote. See above, they can vote by absentee, REQUEST AN ABSENTEE BALLOT early voting or come out on 11/8/2022. We can give you the political demographic information for your neighborhood so you will know which homes are registered republicans and independents. Once you choose a day, email the club info@38thdrcp.com and we will provide you with flyers, literature, sign-up sheets and ask for volunteers to walk with you!
The Sussex GOP will also be organizing Phone Banking, calling voters from the comfort of your home, THIS weekend, since the weather will be conducive to indoor activities. The absentee ballots for the general election will be mailed this coming week. The number of people opting for permanent absentee grew exponentially since the 2020 election. To help our candidates, we will contact these voters and make sure they are planning to return their absentee ballots and see if they are planning to vote for our excellent Republican candidates. Marilyn Booker, Sussex GOP Chair is requesting that callers take just 25 names. The Sussex GOP will help you with a script. Contact the Sussex GOP if you can make a few phone calls this weekend! sussexgop@protonmail.com .

Two of our members, Mary and Claire, came up with this idea and I think it is fantastic. Just as we enjoyed the Trump Parades and Support the Blue patriotic car caravans, let's again decorate our cars and drive about the 38th with our U.S. Flags and DE flags to get into the spirit of election season! Many people are likely unaware when these midterm elections are or that we are even having an election, this should help break that spell! Link to purchase sturdy car window flags https://www.menards.com/main/search.html?sf_categoryHierarchy=&search=window+mount+american+flag
Please consider being a poll worker for the general election! Republicans are vastly outnumbered at the polling places as election poll workers, yes, even in Sussex County. I don't have an explanation for this. At one point the Delaware Department of Elections mandated that the polls have an equal amount of democrat and republican election poll workers. However, they could never fill the required quotient with republicans and so did away with this requirement. It is vitally important to have republicans at the polling places. From my experience working the polls this past primary election, the democrat poll workers often did go into the polling booths with the voters to assist them to make their voting choices. This behavior is forbidden by Delaware election rules. The republican Election Judge attempted to intervene as quickly as possible however this did not always take place as the Judges were frequently busy elsewhere. The democrat poll workers were also very resistant to alter their methods of assisting voters. I don't think this was necessarily done with voter fraud in mind, but rather a strong desire to help voters and inadvertently cross boundaries, literally.

If you can be an election poll worker, the Department of Elections is taking applications now.
Email tracey.wilkerson@delaware.gov or michelle.downes@delaware.gov . There will be training dates so email ASAP. The Sussex GOP is also requesting volunteers to be polling place Challengers and training will be provided for this as well. Shifts are much more flexible for Challengers. Contact Sussex GOP at sussexgop@protonmail.com . Election poll workers must be prepared to work a full day from 6am until after the polls close. This is a paid position.
We as a club will be supporting our candidates with advertising in the Coastal Point, every week for 4 weeks leading up to election day. These ads cost money but we believe they are vitally important. If you feel this is important as well and you can support this, then please contact one of the board members (Michelle Parsons, Tom Molnar and Jim King) OR email the club at info@38thdrcp.com so we can pick up your check or cash. We can't wait on snail mail for mailed checks, we need these funds right away, so please contact us ASAP!

We need our Republican candidate yard signs in every yard and all over the 38th district. Many of our fellow voters are not as intimately involved in the election process as we are and at least seeing names on yard signs can help people start thinking about the candidates and who they would like to vote for. Please pick up extra yard signs from the club and place strategically about our 38th district area. Can't display a yard sign? Consider placing a candidate sign in your house window or the back of your vehicle! Here are the Delaware sign laws:

Signs may be placed 30 days prior to an election and 30 days after an election. This will typically apply even with HOA restrictions.
No sign may ever be placed within 10 feet from the edge of a roadway, unless the sign is on private property.
Signs are never allowed on utility poles, light poles, traffic signal poles or road signs, on bridges or any overpass, or in median, islands or gore areas.
For more questions about sign laws you may contact Sussex DelDOT office at 302-853-1327. You can also review 17 Del. Code, Sections 524-527 and 1111(C).

Don't forget to go online and purchase your 38th DRCP T-shirt or sweatshirt! Home | 38th District Club (originalcustomdesigns.net) . We will also man every polling place in the 38th district with red tents, literature and sample ballots. November 8 will likely be chilly so order your 38th District Republican Club, PAC sweatshirt now! More info to come on this and how to sign up to be a Polling Place Patriot!

Representative in Congress Democratic Party Republican Party
Vote for One (1) Lisa Blunt Rochester Lee Murphy
Attorney General Kathy Jennings Julianne E. Murray
Vote for One (1)
Auditor of Accounts Lydia York Janice Lorrah
Vote for One (1)
State Treasurer Colleen Davis Greg Coverdale
Vote for One (1)
State Senator District 20 X Gerald W. Hocker
State Representative District 38 X Ronald E. Gray
SC Recorder of Deeds X Alexandra Reed Baker
SC Sheriff X Robert T. Lee
SC County Council Nathan Mitchell Douglas B. Hudson
District 4
More Info to Come!!!

Do you live in the 38th District in Sussex County Delaware and are a Republican or thinking about becoming a Republican? Come to our next meeting! Our next meeting will be held on Monday, October 24th 630pm at the Bethany South Coastal Library, 43 Kent Avenue, Bethany Beach. Our club is open to new members who support Republican ideals.
Join 38th District Republican Club, Political Action Club
We meet monthly for meetings or events, please email for location
Email: info@38thdrcp.co
We welcome your support as we support conservative values and responsible government.
To Donate Make check payable to:
38th DRCP
PO Box 1371
Bethany Beach, DE 19970