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Email ALL House Reps TODAY Who Want Ban Natural Gas/Propane, Fertilizer without Legislative Approval

Email ALL House Representative TODAY that you DO NOT support House Bill 99. HB 99 gives state agencies the authority to ban gas powered cars, natural gas and propane hook ups to new buildings & homes, and the use of nitrogen based fertilizers without legislative approval. It would also allow contracts for offshore wind power that could add $425 a year to residential electric bills. Those are major issues that need specific legislative authority.

The Delaware General Assembly will host a hearing on House Bill 99 TODAY, 5/2, at 12pm. The hearing will take place at the House Chamber at Legislative Hall in Dover, or click here to view the livestream. All under the guise of "Climate Change Solutions", what it really is, We want control over You and Everyone else and we stay in Power! STOP the madness!


Original Synopsis:This Act, known as the Delaware Climate Change Solutions Act of 2023, follows the issuance of Delaware’s Climate Action Plan in 2021, and establishes a statutory target of greenhouse gas emissions reductions over the medium and long term to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions on the State. The Act establishes a process of regular updates to the Climate Action Plan to serve as the framework to achieve the targeted emissions reductions and develop resilience strategies for the State, creates Climate Change Officers in certain Key Cabinet-Level Departments who will assist DNREC in the ongoing implementation of the Climate Action Plan, requires State agencies to consider climate change in decision-making, rulemaking, and procurement, and requires an Implementation Report every 2 years on the progress of the State towards meeting the statutory targets.

Here's the link to all House Representatives:


Dear Rep,

Thank you for all you have done for Delaware citizens and please continue to do the same by NOT supporting HB 99. These laws to regulate gas, propane and natural gas should NOT be given total authority to regulatory agencies. We do not live in a totalitarian society, this is still the land of the free and for you to vote for HB 99 would be UN-American and wrong for the citizens of Delaware. Vote NO to HB 99.


Your Name

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Become A 38th District Election District Captain!

The next meeting of the Sussex County Republican Committee meeting will be on Monday, May 8th, 6:30 p.m. at Old Paths Church, Georgetown, Delaware. As we go forward with new party leadership, this is a great time to get more involved in the Sussex GOP party! Please sign up to be a local Election District Captain (EDC) or a Region District Chair (RDC). We will nominate a new 38th District RDC at this meeting and we welcome anyone from the 38th to become an EDC at this meeting as well. You can contact our current RDC, Pat P., who will transition the new RDC that becomes elected at the JUNE 12th meeting of the Sussex Republican Committee meeting. if you are interested in learning more and becoming an EDC, email us at . We need Patriots like YOU! See EDC Application here on this link.

Listen to GOP Chair Julianne Murray on WGMD, 92.7, this Wednesday 5/3/23 10 a.m. And let's get Winning!


For the latest information in Sussex and Kent Counties and the Delaware political scene tune in to WGMD 92.7 and 98.5 daily!

Do you live in Sussex County Delaware and are a Republican or thinking about becoming a Republican? Come to our next meeting! Our next meeting will be held on Monday, February 27th 630pm at the South Coastal Library, Bethany Beach. Our club is open to new members who support Republican ideals.

Join 38th District Republican Club, Political Action Club

We meet monthly for meetings or events, please email for location


Upcoming 2023 Meetings:

The joint 38th/41st meeting Monday, May 1 at 6:30 pm at the Indian River Senior Center, 214 Irons Ave., Millsboro

The Back The Blue Caravan is scheduled for Thursday, May 11th

May 22nd, 6:30 p.m. Wills - Greg Fuller, Registrar of Wills, Sussex

We welcome your support as we support conservative values and responsible government.

To Donate Make check payable to:

38th DRCP

PO Box 1371

Bethany Beach, DE 19970

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